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Lonely Hearts Club

Dear Bridgitte,

I was at a party. I saw a girl I liked.

I said Hello.

Now what do I do?

AACK! in Anaheim

Dear Aaacky,

Whoa Whoa Whoa, slow down Cassanova. Ladies don't like it when a man comes on too strong. If you aren't careful, it will lead to smiling and "My name is Aack", and before you know it you're holding Aack Junior in your arms while she's out saying "Hello" to people at the grocery store.

It's a big deal to say Hello,

So make sure she's the right girl first.

Notes on this video: 1. Why is he stalking? 2:Why is this romantic? 3: Why am I feeling like I'm gonna cry? I know it's creepy, and It's just all too much.

I miss music videos. Let's watch more of them.

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